If your payment has failed, the issue can be caused by the payment gateway timing out, the transaction canceled by your bank, accidentally canceling it on your end, or even technical difficulties with the payment gateway.
Should such a problem persist for multiple orders in a row, we recommend you contact either your bank or the payment provider. In the case of credit card payments specifically, we recommend checking if you have 3D Secure verification enabled for your credit card as it may be required in order for the payment provider to process your payment.
Additionally, we suggest using a different payment method in order to see if that resolves the problem. Please also make sure that you don't have any software that can block data enabled at the moment of payment (VPN, AdBlocker, etc).
If you were debited for the order, you should be refunded for it soon by the payment provider. To inquire about the transaction, please contact your payment provider regarding this issue.